    By using our online system you can register an Australian company with ASIC in less than 20 minutes and receive instant email of Certificate of Incorporation and all required legal documents.

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  • Director ID Number
    You can now add Director IDs to your Company Registration Order on our form. This will help you to update and store Director IDs for existing or newly appointed Directors while you register a new company. Learn more about Director ID implementation.

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    By using our services you can complete an application for a business name registration in less than 10 minutes and receive lodgement proof instantly and record of registration of business name in 1-2 business days.

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    By using our system you can build a Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) trust deed in less than 20 minutes and receive instant email of uptodate top quality legal documents including investment strategy ..

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  • Commence Account Based Pension
    You can create documents to commence Account Based Pensions, Transition to Retirement - Account Based Pensions in your self managed superannuation fund.

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  • Security Trust Deed- External Lender (Bank)
    Get instant email of a Property Custodian Trust (PCT) deed to enable your SMSF to borrow from external lender (Bank) under Section 67A & 67B of SISA 1993. We offer full step-by-step support at no additional Cost.

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    Our system can instantly automatically generate a constitution for your existing company (for lost constitution, want to adapt to our constitution instead of replaceble rules or update your old constitution) ..

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    You can update your current SMSF Trust deed (and keep it updated for the next 5 years), online, by removing (varying) all the clauses of your current trust deed and replacing them with all the new clauses of a new trust deed.

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  • Security Trust Deed- Related Party
    Our system instantly automatically generates a legal property custodian trust (PCT) deed and all required documents (including Loan Agreement) to enable your Self managed super fund to borrow from related party under .

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  • Div 7a Loan Agreement
    Our system instantly generates a Division 7A loan agreement and other related documents like an information kit and instruction sheet on What to do next. The documents are instantly emailed to you.

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  • 5 Years SMSF Update Service
    You can keep your SMSF Trust Deed Updated automatically for next 5 years for an additional $165 (Incl. GST). This option will be available at the time of ordering new SMSF or updating an existing SMSF.

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  • Deed of Confirmation
    You can create legal documents for lost or destroyed SMSF Trust deed.

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  • Actuarial Certificate
    Obtain an Actuarial Certificate to claim Exempt Current Pension Income (ECPI). You can instantly get preliminary exempt income percentage to continue finalising your accounts..

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  • Shelf Companies
    Shelf Companies are companies which are already incorporated and have never traded. It has metaphorically been 'put on the shelf' to age. These companies can be used for some older transactions which need a corporate structure.

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  • Add Member to SMSF
    By using our online system you can add new members to your SMSF and receive instant email of all legal documents and a new Self Managed Super Fund Trust Deed in less than 20 minutes.

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  • Quantity Surveyor Report
    You can order a Quantity Surveyor (QS) Report on our system to claim depreciation in your income tax return for your investment property (residential or commercial) anywhere in Australia. Full Physical Inspection for Maximum Claim.

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  • Discretionary Trust DEED
    You can create a Family Discretionary Trust Deed online on our system in less than 20 minutes. Our trust deeds are written in plain English and are easy and simple to read.

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  • Delete Member from SMSF
    By using our system, you can automatically create legal documents to delete members from your Self Managed Superannuation Fund and instantly receive email of all required documents and new trust deed.

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  • Unit Trust DEED
    You can create a customized Unit trust deed within 20 minutes and receive instant email of all related documents.

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  • Change Individual Trustees to Corporate Trustee
    You can automatically create legal documents to replace Individual trustees of your SMSF by a Corporate trustee and instantly receive an email of all legally required documents and varied trust deed.

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  • Fixed Unit Trust DEED
    Our system instantly generates a Deed and all required documents to create your Fixed Unit Trust and emails them to you. Our Fixed Unit Trust deed has been approved by OSR, NSW ..

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  • Change Corporate Trustee to Individual Trustees
    By using our system, you can automatically create legal documents to change Corporate trustee to Individual Trustees for your Self Managed Superannuation Fund and instantly receive an email of all legal documents ..

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  • Change Corporate Trustee to another Corporate Trustee
    You can automatically create legal documents to change Corporate trustee to another Corporate Trustee for your Self Managed Superannuation Fund and instantly receive an email of all documents including new updated trust deed.

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  • Declaration / Acknowledgement of Trust
    Our system automatically generates a Declaration of Trust / Acknowledgement of Trust and other related documents and emails them to you instantly.

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  • SMSF Loan Agreement
    Our system instantly generates a SMSF loan agreement (where SMSF is Lender) and other related documents like an information kit and instruction sheet on what to do next. The documents are instantly emailed to you.

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  • Binding death Nomination
    Our system instantly generates a Binding Death Benefit Nomination and other related documents like an information kit and instruction sheet on What to do next. All the documents are instantly emailed to you.

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  • Jobs
    Advertise your Vacancy for Free.

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Welcome to trustdeed.com.au

We provide a comprehensive online service for creating, storing and managing trust deeds and other legal documents for companies, self-managed superannuation funds (SMSFs), family trusts, unit trusts and fixed unit trusts, etc.

We are the preferred document provider of many accountants, financial planners, solicitors and end users, namely, trustees.

Use any button at the top of this page for more information about any of our services. We ask that you register with us before purchasing any of our products.

Once you’ve registered, the process of ordering our documents is quick and simple. Just log in (top right hand corner of this page) and complete our easy-to-understand application form. Once you pay, we will instantly deliver perfectly customised legal documents to your email inbox. This whole process will take NO MORE THAN 20 MINUTES.

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All trust deeds and legal documents available from our site are written by Batallion Legal – a niche, multicultural corporate and commercial law firm, specialising in taxation and superannuation law. More information

Our online forms are designed with explanations for questions and clues to answers. These have been written by a qualified CPA, registered tax agent and SMSF Specialist Adviser with over two decades experience of setting up tax structures for clients.

We will happily return our fees without asking any questions if you do not like our legal documents for any reason.
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Tax Calculator (Select Financial Year)

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Learn how to grow your wealth and pay less tax.

Our Wealth Creator writers reveal the secrets of how to easily reduce tax and create more wealth. Once you learn these simple but ingenious strategies, it will be like giving yourself a 20% pay rise, tax free!

More Information

How to use our service?

Phone : 02 9684 4199
Email : sales@trustdeed.com.au

Our trust deeds

We will arrange for you to speak with Batallion Legal, free of charge

Specific legal advice

Batallion Legal will charge for this service. Please visit http://www.batallion.com.au

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