Change Corporate Trustee to a Corporate Trustee

Change Corporate Trustee to a Corporate Trustee - Cost $275 Incl. GST

By using our system, you can automatically create legal documents to change Corporate trustee to another Corporate for your Self Managed Superannuation Fund and instantly receive an email of a new updated trust deed with the name of the new trustee and all related legal documents which you ever need to keep your fund complying.

There could be many reasons why one company is being replaced by another company to act as trustee of a SMSF, such as, the existing company is also a trading entity and was also trustee of the SMSF, however members have now decided to use a new special purpose trustee company to act as the new trustee for the SMSF etc.

By using our online system you can change trustee from one company to another company (click here if need you to first create a new trustee company for $725 Including ASIC fees of $597 and GST) for your SMSF in less than 20 minutes and receive instant email of;

  • "Deed of Variation" to change trustee and a replacement "Trust Deed" of your Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) complying to all the current SISA rules, including a Product Disclosure Statement prepared by a specialist superannuation law firm: Batallion Legal to include new trustees name on the deed (your bank may need this new deed to include the name of the new trustee on the super funds bank account); 
  • All related legal documents, such as, Resignation of Trustee (s), consent by members to act as directors of new trustee company, Minutes of Members / Trustees to use the replacement trust deed, etc;
  • PDF form to advice ATO of change of trustee with instructions;
  • Instruction sheet on "what to do next" that is, to ensure that your fund remains a complying fund with ATO; prepared by Mr. Manoj Abichandani who has worked in SMSF Space as an accountant, Registered Tax Agent and auditor for over two decades with a SMSF specialist CPA firm advising clients on complex SMSF strategies and has vast experience in setting up tax structures for clients.

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Money back guarantee:
if you do not like our legal documents for any reason we will be happy to return our fees without asking any questions.

To purchase anything from our website you have to register with us
- registration is free Click here to register

Our top quality legal documents come with the lowest online price tag in Australia.

To purchase anything from our website you have to register with us - registration is free Click here to register

Our SMSF Trust Deed and Documents

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  • Our SMSF Trust Deed and legal documents are written by Batallion Legal; providers of the most technically robust Self Managed Super Fund trust deeds - a niche, multicultural, corporate and commercial law firm, with specialist expertise in tax and superannuation.
  • Our deeds have been written with input from Manoj Abichandani SMSF Specialist Adviser SSA® & SMSF Specialist Auditor SSAud® to suit all practical situations for usage by both trustees and their advisors.
  • Our trust deed and other related legal documents are written in plain English and are easy and simple to read. 
  • Time is not wasted searching for lost deeds; Users (advisors and trustees) have online access to their trust deeds on our innovative Document Manager, 24/7 from anywhere.
  • Governing rules are always up to date: Our documents are constantly reviewed and updated as Government requirements change and specifically complies with SIS Act & Regulations.

Our unique electronic registration technology means we can offer the fastest service possible at a very reasonable price.

To purchase anything from our website you have to register with us - registration is free Click here to register

Some of the benefits of using our system are :

Usually you will prepare legal documents so that a new company can act as trustee of the super fund and then update the SMSF trust deed from a traditional “shelf company formation” providers to show the new company as trustee of the SMSF. However, now you can update your SMSF Trust Deed from SMSF Specialists, instantly with us, along with receiving all legal documents required to change corporate trustee and keep your SMSF complying at the same time. Other benefits are:

  • For advisors, clients can sign all necessary legal documents whilst they wait, instead of second appointments for executing documents;
  • Our fees is only $275 (Incl. GST) ! including a SMSF update, By using our system you save time, energy and money for yourself and your clients;
  • We can also print (optional), professionally bind the new deed in a deluxe indexed binder and express deliver anywhere in Australia to your nominated address for an additional fee of $75 (Incl. GST);
  • Total cost to change corporate trustee including an updated deed with all related legal documents printed including 2 bound copies of the new SMSF trust deed delivered to your door is $350 (incl. GST); 
  • You can manage all your legal documents on our smart document retrieval system. All documents are stored on our website for ever, secured by your user name and password, for future downloads.

To purchase anything from our website you have to register with us - registration is free Click here to register

How It Works

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The process to replace trustees of your SMSF Trust Deed, takes less than 20 minutes

  • After you register with us, you simply log on to your secured area (protected by your user name and password) on our website, all SMSF legal documents are created and personalized with answers from you to our online cleverly designed easy questions. Simply log on to “SMSF Tools” section and click on “Change Details” and after you have selected “corporate to corporate trustee” start preparing the document by answering simple questions.
  • All questions come with clues to answers and explanations. At completion of all questions, you confirm answers to all our questions and pay us by credit card (Master card or Visa) or EFT or by cheque.
  • Once you pay, we instantly email you newly formed tailored “Deed of Variation” and a “SMSF trust deed” and other related legal documents and instruction sheet for your needs, any time of day and any day 24/7.
  • We store your trust deed (password protected) on our website for you to download from anywhere 24/7 from our innovative document manager.  

To purchase anything from our website you have to register with us - registration is free Click here to register

Documents Printing

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We charge $75 (Incl. GST) to professionally print andexpress courier (anywhere in Australia) to your nominated address.

The package includes a Deluxe indexed folder

  • Two bound copy “Deed of Variation” of your self managed superannuation fund and replacement of your "SMSF trust deed"
  • One copy of the deed of Variation and replacement trust deed bound in the folder
  • All Related minutes & legal documents filed in register
  • Instruction sheet on exactly to what to do next (ATO PDF file & instructions are sent via email only)

All documents will be ready to sign with “Sign Here” stickers. All documents will also be emailed to you and stored on our website as usual. Before we print documents for you, we get you to confirm that all details are correct to minimize errors.

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We chose to update all our clients SMSF with and they came to our office and got the job done quickly and efficiently. This saved us valuable staff resources which meant we could continue business as normal. We will continue to use as our preferred supplier.

Philip Ting
Philip Ting & Co.

Having compared to other legal document providers provided our firm with a true one stop solution combining electronic document delivery, professional legal’s, technical support, online document storage/retrieval and competitive pricing.

Jack Liubinskas
Senior Partner, CPA
LBH Accountants

Read all testimonials

More Information

How to use our service?

Phone : 02 9684 4199
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Our trust deeds

We will arrange for you to speak with Batallion Legal, free of charge

Specific legal advice

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